Penguins of Madagascar

This is really a rant! I'm caught watching this cartoon all the time, I love it! This is not about the art, the stories, or production but rather trying to get a real list of episodes! You Can't Do It!! Every English-speaking country has been getting these episodes in different order, some episodes appear here, not there or there and not here! In the USA I've counted 14 episodes that have not appeared here, ten of those have yet to appear anywhere!
And so far season 2 is over 18 months long! Just yesterday (August 20, 2011) there was another 1/2 hour special which Nick advertised only for a few days. The ads call it "Operation: Vacation", the title card in the episode says it is "Hoboken Surprise" and neither title can be found on any of the five episode lists I try to follow!! TIVO called it season two.
At the end of the show there's an ad for a September 9, 2011 1-hour Penguins of Madagascar special featuring the return of Dr. Blowhole and guest-stars "Alex the Lion". Just wonder if 'they' consider this the end of season two (Finally!) or the start of season three (Finally!).
I just want to have a good list so I know if there's any of these great episodes I've missed (and I have in the past)
UPDATE: 04-24-2012
Last week Nick gave up 5 new single episodes (for my area anyway) and 1 30-minute special for Earth Day. I noticed on TiVo that 4 of six had a season 3 tag! While that’s great, all six of the episodes had a copyright at the end of 2010. This is giving me hope that it is not the end for this series yet I wonder if any really new episodes have been produced or if Nick has just rat-holed some episodes and are releasing them a few at a time with this batch an advertising tie-in to the new Madagascar 3 feature film that my grandson is jumping up and down waiting for.
UPDATE: 09-14-2012
There’s no ‘official’ word from Nick on this but I think we’re at the end for this cartoon. The toon is totally off the Nick schedule and is only on the Nicktoons line-up. Over at Dreamworks I’ve noticed that all the names associated with the series are now very busy with various new projects. If this is the case, it’s been a great ride and the last episode they showed was just as fresh as the first which is a rare thing indeed. I still have a list of some episode titles that were secured copyrights but not shown (at least in my area) so maybe there will be some new treats in the future.